Last Thursday, I walked the Shing Mun Country Park, which houses one of Hong Kong largest reservoirs. The walk was very relaxing. I took a few pictures and posted some of them here. You may notice that one of the pictures got a monkey in it. The reservoir is a popular breeding ground for monkeys, which have multiplied to such an extent that they sometimes they threaten the safety of passers-by. It is an offence in laws to feed the monkeys in the park.  It was the best picture I could take. I would not dare to get closer to the monkey. I was afraid that it would grab my camera. Worse than that it might grab my head.

上周四我到香港新界城门郊野公园漫步,位于该公园是香港其中一个最大的同名称 之水库,该天我步行得很轻松, 我在这里放上几张拍到的照片,其中一张你可以 看到一只猴子,该水库是猴子繁殖的地方,其数量曾多至对游人安全构成威胁,在该公园喂饲料给猴子是冒犯法律,该照片是我可拍到得最好,我若再走近些,我怕 被它抢走相机,更糟糕是我的头都给它抓到。

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