Meaning 意义

The most common meaning for this slang is something or a name which sounds familiar and causes someone to remember something or someone.  El modismo significa que hay algo o un nombre que provoca una memoria o conocimiento. 这一俚语最常用于某些事物或名听起来熟悉。

Example 例子

  • Hi, this is Brandon. Does it ring a bell to you? I am the person who always asks you to visit his blogs. 
  • Hola, soy Brandon. ¿Te acuerdas de mi? Yo soy la persona que siempre te pide que visites sus Blogs.  
  • 你好,我是布兰登,你记得我吗?我市一天到晚叫你上他的网站的那位。

4/23/2010 07:05:55 pm

I see. The idiomatic expression "Does it ring a bell to you?" is like as if you are asking "Are you familiar with it?" or "Can you still remember it?"

4/24/2010 02:15:12 am

Ana, yes you can use it that way.


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