Meaning 意义
In my last post, I talked about the English slang, words of mouth, which is mostly referred to words of compliment or something positive. Today, I would like to talk about a similar slang "I heard it through the grapevine".  According to the Answer.com, grapevine refers to a vine on which grape grows and the whole phrase figuratively means:
  • the informal transmission of information, gossip, or rumour from person to person.
  • A usually unrevealed source of confidential information.

我前天在这里谈过英文俚语 Word of mouth,这是主要用于正面及赞美之传言,今天谈到类似俚语 Heard it through the grapevine,则多用于负面及小道消息。Grapevine 是指葡萄藤, 而整句等同中文 "道听途说" "以蛾传蛾" 非正式,八卦消息或谣言的传播。

Example 例子
I am using part of the lyrics of an American popular song of the same title. 我就以美国一首流行同名歌曲部分歌词作例子,并作出中文及西语翻译如下:

Don't you know that I heard it through the grapevine
Not much longer would you be mine
Oh I heard it through the grapevine
Oh and I'm just about to lose my mind
Honey, honey yeah

¿No sabes que lo escucha a través de la vid 
No mucho más largo que el mío 
Oh, yo lo oí a través de la vid 
Ah y estoy a punto de perder mi mente 
La miel, sí la miel 

4/16/2010 02:47:45 am

I look it up. It means "道听途说", an informal person-to-person means of circulating information or gossip (Merriam-Webster).

Did I look like a gate-crasher? Lol.

4/16/2010 04:10:12 pm

Zhang, you got it. I was to write on this but got too tired and went to bed. You are indeed a gate-crasher. But I can't complaint because you are my number one fan.


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